Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Toy: Vegetable Spiralizer

I am so excited about this contraption.  I used it today for lunch.  I did 1 zucchini, 1 yellow squash, 2-3 carrots (didn't work very well for the carrots).  I added a can of garbanzo beans, cooked spinach, garlic, basil and some Sam's club bruschetta spread, warmed(has oil in it).

We were so full!! Love it.  A few ideas to try with the "noodles":  peanut asian style, sweet with mandarin oranges and pineapple, lemon& dill, greek with peppers and kalamata olives.

This will be a great meal maker for a few times a week.  The spiralizer is so easy to use, even though it is totally made for a righty, which I am not and had to use it backwards.

Here is a picture of the "noodles" before I added the beans, etc.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Journal and Pressing On

We are stuck, no more weight loss. I am so discouraged.  After all the sacrifices, we need to do better.
We need to cut down on the sugar, reduce our carb intake, and reduce our fat intake.  Overall, Steve and I just really love to eat.  There is no way around it.  I have to reinforce the truth about "stop when you are full or you'll just eat until you are sick."- paraphrase from Geneen Roth.

Today I woke up and thought about Geneen Roth's books ( I don't remember which one); she says "If you aren't sure if you are hungry, you're probably not."

I struggle with NOT eating when I am NOT hungry.  I make these fabulous meals that I enjoy making and sometimes I sit down and I don't even feel hungry and I ALWAYS eat it anyway.  It is the most annoying, nagging feeling that I continue to suppress.

Reinforce my goals:
When I started reading Geneen Roth's books, I hit 200lbs.  It was shocking and a defining moment for me.  Wow, I really got to my limit.  Talk about a reality check.  I think the biggest misconception is that people compare themselves to others.  70% of adults in the US are overweight or obese.  I hope you are looking at the 30%.  For me, it is about being healthy, active and agile to play with my energizer children.
Google: What is a healthy weight for my height?  It is a large range that I am striving to just be within.  70% are not in the range.  I am still part of the 70%.  I feel like the healthy weight for my height is so close I can taste it.  While living in Reno, adhering to Geneen Roth's guidelines, I got down to 167 lbs.  That is the lowest I had been since before having kids.  Moving to SD,  I shot back up to 185lbs within 6 months.  Now, at 159 lbs, less than when I was 21 years old. I feel so much better, but I don't feel like I have finished the work.

Have a plan or plan to fail:
Failed at getting rid of the coffee by May 1st.
Removed all artificial sweeteners from my diet weeks ago, and can't stand the taste Any soda.
Never add oil, but if it is in something it counts and we need to eliminate it(vegan mayo).

Taking steps to:
-Eliminate Coffee - purpose is to reduce added sugars and caffeine
-Eliminate White flour/rice: sugar
-Reduce added fats: Eating too many avocados, olives, nuts and high fat soy replacements(sour cream)

I love this picture. Focus on the organs, they are so unhealthy.  I would feel so sufficated.  Sometimes I still do.  It is so freeing to begin to feel comfortable in my clothes.  Losing the muffin top, the thighs rubbing together, arms waving around.  I look in the mirror and my face looks younger and less swollen.  I find that when I look in the mirror, I smile and I say to myself, " Well hello there, it's been along time, but I remember you."  I am going to make it.  I am going to reach my goal, even it if takes me years to do it.  It is better than being diabetic, or have sleep apnea, or getting cancer, or being constipated or having a heart attack at 42 years old(my aunt).  I have to say that how miserable would that be.  I am working hard to prevent diseases of influences(Dr. Esselstyn).  Anyone want to join me?

PS- I am so thankful to have the support of my husband, Steve.  Without him, I would not have been able to maintain this lifestyle.  I would have been easily tempted.