Think...think, think. When you really dig deep and think about the healthiest food you could eat, you think vegetable, at least I do. So why would you knowingly choose a food that shortens your life, makes you uncomfortable(gas), adds to your waistline and subjects you to some lifelong painful diseases (a heart attack is no picnic).
Today, my close friend told me that her husband, 34 yrs old, is now on Lipitor. Really, 34 years old? That is unacceptable. We are choosing a lifestyle of short and shi*ty life, counting pills, watching cholesterol numbers, blood pressure numbers, glucose numbers.
Steve has found, inner motivation due to the way he feels and how much/how fast he has lost weigh. Granted he has been an avid(die hard) exercise freak of nature forever and he never could lose weight(minus a 1 year stint of running for 2 hours 7 days a week).
What I believe:
You and I need a reason. Whether it be a doctor saying,"Oh you're sick(diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol)." We need a reason. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009, which is an increase of androgen(male hormones) hormones causing insulin resistance and cysts(difficulty getting pregnant). Number one way to reduce this problem is weight loss and metformin (which I take). People take Metformin for hormone reasons and to avoid getting diabetes. I was taking it 3 times a day, I am down to 1-2 times a day depending on what I eat. My goal is to be off of it completely...timeline to be determined.
My motivation:
Besides being pre-diabetic and hormone insane, my grandmother was taken from us prematurely. She was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes at 40 years old and had a stroke at 65 years old. the Dr.s wouldn't even operate because of her blood sugar, thus killing her.
I feel cheated. I feel like we have be brain washed to eat this crap. 50 years ago we at 1/3 the amount of dairy and 1/2 the amount of meat.
Food Guide: eat you veggies. If you truly at enough fruits and veggies, you would be so full, you wouldn't need anything else.
I just really felt moved to state my piece and I am thankful that Steve and I have teamed up to do this. I hope others can find a way to follow suit.
1. Take your time ( we were eating feta cheese in the beginning, given up cheese was like having a panic attack)
2. Pick you battles.(Splurge once in awhile) If you really what a hamburger, try to substitute, but if it doesn't work, Go all the way and observe how you feel, how it tastes, are you satisfied, are you still hungry)
3. Think of your reason for why. My aunt had a heart attach at 48 years old and my grandmother died from a stroke at 64 years thank you.
4. Dig in. Find recipes that excite you and interest you in cooking and preparing. You will be full and satisfied and CRAVING, not choking down, CRAVING and SCARFING down veggies. We literally get excited to INHALE spinach, of all things we feel so gross if we don't get our veggies for day.
Color me Vegan
Ultimate Cookbook:skinny bitch
For lunch we had a wrap with hummus (tons), roasted red pepper, spinach, mushroom, onion, artichoke, amd olives with tomato soup( I was craving it).